Our Environments Division is Now Furniture Solutions

WAUSAU, WI — The Samuels Group, a comprehensive commercial construction firm serving the Midwest, announced an organizational shift regarding its furniture division. Environments, a division of The Samuels Group that provides commercial furnishings and interior design services, is no longer a separate entity and has been merged under the corporate umbrella as a value-added service known as Furniture Solutions.

“From our perspective, not much is changing,” said Jennifer Guerndt, V.P. of Sales and Marketing. “We were already operating under the same roof, even having a showroom in our Wausau, Wisconsin office. We have and will continue to work closely with our architectural design and construction teams to provide commercial furnishings and consultative services. For our customers, however, the change will help bring clarity and underscore what makes The Samuels Group different. Clients can choose all of our services for a comprehensive design, build, furnish approach or just select one service depending on their project needs.” 

The Samuels Group noted that many clients already viewed the relationship between its commercial architectural design, construction, and furnishings services as a seamless process and felt like it was one group. “Now we’re making it official,” said Guerndt.

Because Furniture Solutions is now an official service of The Samuels Group, clients will more clearly understand the benefits of enhanced collaboration between architectural, construction and furnishings teams from the onset of a project rather than waiting to address furniture needs later on. Furniture selection and placement is an integral part of the building process, helping to ensure design cohesion so power placement and adequate square footage are planned for early in the process.

To commemorate the addition of Furniture Solutions to the list of valuable services offered by The Samuels Group, the company is updating its logo to include the tag line Design, Construct, Furnish. The merging of its commercial furnishings division will take place in February 2022.

About The Samuels Group

The Samuels Group is an innovator among Midwest commercial construction contractors with offices in Wausau, Wisconsin and West Des Moines, Iowa. Their team offers expertise in commercial design, construction, pre-construction, referendums, project management, and furnishings, with a special emphasis on government, healthcare, education, specialty projects, and other commercial structures.

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