
Guide to Jail Classification Systems

Jail Planning & Design Considerations for Evolving Inmate Populations

Download the Guide! 

Classifying inmates in county jails is increasingly difficult for jail administrators and sheriff’s departments. Adapting or renovating facilities to accommodate diverse populations is a critical need for many.

We worked with a Department of Corrections representative to develop a Guide to Jail Classification Systems. It explores changing jail populations and considerations for providing compliant housing, including:

  • Real-life classification examples and challenges
  • The role of mental illness, drug use, and medical issues
  • Potential solutions for expanding jail classifications
  • Considerations for renovating, adding on, or building new
  • Jail building design options
  • And more

Access this helpful resource today. Simply fill out the form. Then, contact our team of jail planning experts in Wisconsin or Iowa to help you explore your options.
