10 Essential Pre-construction Services From a Construction Manager

Planning a building project can feel daunting when a business or county needs to build or renovate a facility. Many project owners haven’t ventured into the commercial construction industry before, or they lack the time and resources to ensure all the details are covered and that the project remains financially solvent. 

Going it alone isn’t an option for large building projects. Enlisting the professional help of a construction manager that provides pre-construction services for your unique industry is a critical first step.

RELATED RESOURCE: 10 Questions to Ask a Commercial Builder

What are preconstruction services?

A vast amount of planning must take place before actual construction begins. Preconstruction planning services provide a project owner with details on everything from estimating to design and scope, and everything in between. A good construction manager will help the project owner know what to expect and when, by providing a step-by-step roadmap and project schedule. 

The following are some of the top preconstruction services you should expect.

  1. Existing Condition Analysis
  2. Building Information Modeling (BIM)
  3. Constructability Analysis and Review
  4. Cost Estimating and Control
  5. Scheduling, Phasing, and Logistics
  6. Bid Packaging
  7. Cash Flow Analysis
  8. Material Procurement
  9. Risk Management
  10. Subcontractor Pre-qualification and Selection

1. Existing Condition Analysis

Not all projects are built from the ground up; many companies renovate or add to an existing structure. In these cases, pre-existing conditions that may impact design and structural integrity need to be understood and accounted for to help determine if a complete replacement, major renovation, or a minimal renovation is needed. 

If renovations are in order, the direction, load calculations, material strength, roof junctures, piping, and a host of other building systems must be integrated seamlessly. A thorough analysis must be conducted to provide a comprehensive bid package and avoid costly surprises once demolition or construction begins.

2. Building Information Modeling (BIM)

Some say a picture is worth a thousand words, so imagine how much a 3D model of a proposed structure is worth to a project owner. Building information modeling (BIM) not only involves the creation of a 3D model to visualize what a project will look like, it plays a crucial role in the planning, design, building, and operational phases of the facility. 

Through the use of intelligent software, the entire lifecycle of a commercial construction project is simulated to form decisions about design, MEP systems, and structural components, such as whether to use precast vs. tilt-up construction. This coordination can proactively define trouble areas and help reduce or eliminate issues during design, development, and construction.

3. Constructability Analysis and Review

The design process is one of the more exciting phases of a project, but without proper oversight, there could be potential design flaws or problems that go undetected. What looks good on paper or a computer simulation doesn’t always translate to the actual construction of a structure.

Consider a construction site. Many organizations own land, but placement and layout of a structure can vary depending on topography or access points. Being proactive in identifying potential constructability issues early on will reduce the risks of cost overruns and missing deadlines down the road. 

4. Cost Estimating and Control

Determining a commercial building project budget is no small feat and requires an experienced estimator. It’s their job to assess every aspect of a project, from materials and labor, to equipment, subcontractors, permits, and more. From there, they need to provide a reliable cost estimate of what it will take to complete the project according to specifications. 

RELATED: Questions to Ask a Construction Cost Estimator

5. Scheduling, Phasing, and Logistics

Developing and coordinating a construction schedule and related activities involves hundreds of logistical considerations and moving parts. Estimating, bid releases, meetings, regulations, permitting, deliveries, storage, subcontractors, inspections, and a host of other elements need to be accounted for.

An experienced construction manager can use their skills and expertise to more accurately determine milestones for coordinating every aspect and accomplishing each phase of construction. They’ll also help minimize disruption to keep your operations up and running.

6. Bid Packaging

Multiple subcontractors and vendors will be required to work on your project, and it’s important they have the necessary specifications to accurately submit their bids. As part of the pre-construction process, any pertinent construction documents are packaged together to identify the scope of required work.

Enough detail needs to be provided for prospective trade contractors to confidently provide their bids without having to guess any requirements. A construction manager will review bids and provide a summation to the owner for approval prior to procurement, and will also discuss any contingency fund requirements.

7. Cash Flow Analysis

Since a commercial building project can span months or even years, ensuring financial solvency throughout that time can feel like an unknown. A cash flow analysis helps establish a payment schedule to ensure all parties can operate with an appropriate level of funding. 

Various costs for materials, services, suppliers, and labor will be incurred throughout a project’s lifecycle, and knowing when and how much those costs are is critical for determining cash flow for project owners, contractors, subcontractors, and supply chains.

8. Material Procurement

Obtaining all the needed materials for a commercial project often involves leveraging a specialized supply chain. Take, for example, a healthcare facility that requires  building standards and acceptable materials that promote patient health. Likewise, a jail facility will require technologies and materials to ensure security and safety of inmates and workers. 

For a construction project, procurement goes beyond just acquiring materials and goods to complete a job, it requires a continuous understanding of market prices to utilize the most cost effective materials. Working with a construction manager who specializes in your industry can help ensure your facility’s materials and construction meet your unique needs and remain in compliance. 

9. Risk Management

The construction industry has inherent risks that need to be mitigated throughout the design and building process. Worker safety and reducing hazards are often the first risks that come to mind, but there are many others that need to be managed along the way. 

Ensuring that contracts are written up properly, all regulations are abided by, and that the design, materials, and jobsite comply with expectations and standards is critical to avoid litigation, fines, or costly mistakes. Having proper insurance is crucial and can help in some circumstances, but never having to rely on it is the goal.

10. Subcontractor Pre-qualification and Selection

An important aspect of risk management is ensuring that everyone who touches your project has the experience and know-how to complete their tasks to your satisfaction. A qualified construction manager that provides preconstruction services will have a vast network of equally qualified subcontractors and professional service providers at their disposal. 

Their supply chain will be well-vetted and have a strong record of past performance. Pre-qualifying and building relationships with subcontractors takes time, but is worth the effort and helps keep your project on time and on budget.

The foundation of your building project’s success relies on much more than brick and mortar. When considering which construction manager to work with, be sure to ask about each of these preconstruction services and others they may provide. In fact, our helpful guide below includes additional items you’ll want to talk through, so be sure to download it.

The building experts at The Samuels Group are here to talk through what’s involved and are eager to help you take the next steps. Get in touch today.

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